10 Benefits of Hibiscus Tea for Health

10 Benefits of Hibiscus Tea for Health

Hibiscus tea, also known as sour tea, is a type of herbal tea that can be consumed both hot and cold. It has a variety of health benefits. Due to its unique sour taste and lack of caffeine, hibiscus tea is highly popular.

The Hibiscus plant is native to Africa, but nowadays it grows all over the world in many tropical and subtropical regions such as Thailand, China, and Mexico. Most of the world's sour tea is made from hibiscus grown in China and Thailand. Typically, the beautiful hibiscus flowers are white, but the buds are dark red. These buds are dried to make hibiscus tea.

The use of sour tea dates back to ancient times when Egyptians believed that the plant could reduce fever and cure other illnesses. Hibiscus is also used in traditional Chinese medicine. 

Nutritional Value of Hibiscus Tea:

Hibiscus tea contains vitamin C, a nutrient that plays a role in tissue growth and repair, protection of cartilage, bones, and teeth, wound healing, and collagen formation, and increases iron absorption in the body. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that can reduce the risk of important diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer by strengthening the body's immune system. Hibiscus tea also contains another antioxidant called anthocyanin, which has antibacterial effects and can prevent many chronic diseases like vitamin C.

Hibiscus tea is an herbal tea. Therefore, it is a suitable option for individuals who want a caffeine-free hot beverage. Each cup of black or green tea contains about 35 to 90 milligrams of caffeine. In a cup of coffee, there is approximately 100 to 150 milligrams of caffeine.

Health Benefits of Hibiscus Tea:

Sour tea doesn't have high amounts of vitamins or minerals, but it contains vitamin C and various antioxidants. Current research shows that the health benefits of sour tea are extensive, including:

1.Rich in antioxidants

Different antioxidants such as beta-carotene, vitamin C, and anthocyanins are found in the hibiscus plant. Foods rich in antioxidants play an important role in maintaining health and preventing chronic diseases. Antioxidants eliminate harmful molecules called free radicals. Free radicals damage body cells and increase the risk of problems such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. Therefore, when consuming this substance, attention should also be paid to the heart benefits of hibiscus tea.

The body can use its own antioxidants to combat free radicals. However, it is necessary to help the body get rid of these harmful molecules and prevent various diseases by consuming foods rich in antioxidants.

2.Fights inflammation

Several animal studies and some small human studies have shown the ability of hibiscus to fight inflammation. Increased inflammation plays a role in many diseases, including cancer, asthma, Alzheimer's disease, heart disease, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Although more research is needed in this area, it seems that hibiscus may have beneficial anti-inflammatory effects in general, and this should also be considered in the collection of the benefits of sour tea. In a study conducted on 54 male football players, the consumption of hibiscus extract was associated with a decrease in oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is an indicator of inflammation in athletes.

3.The Benefits of Sour Tea for Blood Sugar Control

In a study of 100 patients with type 2 diabetes, participants were asked to drink 450 milliliters of either green tea or hibiscus tea for four weeks. The results showed that both teas have a positive effect on insulin resistance and can help control blood lipids.

4.The Benefits of Sour Tea for Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a common condition among adults worldwide. Increased blood pressure can lead to serious problems such as heart attack, stroke, heart failure, and kidney disease. Various studies have shown that drinking sour tea can reduce blood pressure in humans. However, experts believe that the reduction in blood pressure due to the consumption of hibiscus and other herbal medicines is negligible, and those who suffer from high blood pressure cannot use these plants instead of prescribed medications by a doctor.

In a small study with 65 participants, adults with high blood pressure who consumed three cups (a total of 720 milliliters) of hibiscus tea daily for 6 weeks were able to successfully reduce their blood pressure. In another study, it was also observed that sour tea can reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury and is determined by two numbers, the larger number indicating systolic blood pressure and the smaller number indicating diastolic blood pressure.

5.Reduces Cholesterol

High cholesterol is one of the most common health problems that affects millions of adults and leads to serious diseases such as heart attack and stroke. In some studies, it has been observed that hibiscus can reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase good cholesterol (HDL). However, the results of some studies show that this effect is minimal and insignificant. According to researchers, hibiscus plant may help maintain blood cholesterol in the normal range, but more research is needed for confirmation.

6.The Benefits of Hibiscus Tea in Fighting Bacteria

In laboratory studies, hibiscus extract has been able to control certain types of bacteria. While it is said that this plant can be as effective as some drugs in combating various bacterial strains, researchers are still investigating its effectiveness in humans.

7.Hibiscus Tea for Weight Loss

Scientific evidence shows that hibiscus has a positive effect on weight loss and prevents obesity. In a study, it was observed that hibiscus extract can reduce body weight, body fat, and body mass index (BMI) after 12 weeks.

Researchers usually use hibiscus extract to investigate the benefits of green tea, which is less concentrated than regular tea. Therefore, it is still unclear whether green tea produces the same results or not.

8.The benefits of green tea in maintaining liver health

 According to researchers, hibiscus plays a role in maintaining liver health. The extract of this plant, due to its strong antioxidant activity, can protect the liver against various toxins. Even some studies conducted on liver cells have been able to demonstrate the anti-cancer activity of hibiscus.

A study using hamsters showed that green tea helps reduce liver damage indicators. In another study conducted on humans, hibiscus extract was able to reduce the risk of liver failure.

9.The benefits of hibiscus tea in cancer prevention

In addition to anthocyanins, hibiscus tea contains another antioxidant called polyphenol, which has proven anticancer properties. Hibiscus extract prevents the growth of cancer cells and slows down the progression of oral cancer. It can also help prevent the spread of prostate cancer cells and stomach cancer cells.

10.Prevents dehydration

 Although no study has been conducted on the relationship between hibiscus tea  and body hydration, its consumption can be effective in providing the body with the necessary water. A cup of 8-ounce (about 236 ml) hibiscus tea contains 8 ounces of water and no sugar or caffeine. Drinking adequate amounts of water is essential for body hydration and proper digestion.

How to Use Hibiscus Plant

You can access this plant in various forms and benefit from the properties of hibiscus tea:

Tea: Make hibiscus tea by steeping dried hibiscus buds in boiling water. Additionally, you can use hibiscus tea bags. Powder: Hibiscus powder is made from dried and ground parts of the plant. You can mix this powder with water to make a drink. Extract: Hibiscus extract is usually sold as a supplement in pharmacies.

It is recommended to drink hibiscus tea instead of powder or extract. It does not matter whether you use dried hibiscus plant or tea bags to make this tea, as consuming hibiscus tea is cheaper and more convenient compared to other methods. Powders and extracts differ in terms of their strength and concentration. Therefore, you may unintentionally consume a very large amount of hibiscus.

How to prepare and consume hibiscus tea:

Place one hibiscus tea bag or about 2-1 teaspoons of dried hibiscus plant in a cup. Heat water until it reaches a temperature of 93-100 degrees Celsius. If you are unable to measure the temperature, boil the water and let it cool for a minute or so. Pour 8 ounces (approximately 236 milliliters) of water over the tea bag or dried hibiscus plant. Wait a few minutes for the tea leaves to steep. The longer the steeping time, the more bitter the tea becomes. Before drinking, remove the tea bag or tea leaves from the cup. The natural taste of hibiscus tea is sour. For this reason, some people prefer to add sugar or honey to it.

Final thoughts on the benefits of hibiscus tea:

Consuming hibiscus tea as an herbal tea can have many health benefits, and the properties of hibiscus tea have interesting diversity. Hibiscus can help maintain body weight and reduce blood pressure, blood lipids, and blood sugar. In addition, it reduces inflammation in the body and helps prevent cancer.

Almost all healthy individuals can enjoy hibiscus tea without worry. However, patients and individuals taking medication should consult with their doctor before including it in their daily diet. Using hibiscus tea during pregnancy is not recommended.