12 Important Tips to Take Care of Your Skin While Traveling

12 Important Tips to Take Care of Your Skin While Traveling

Traveling can be stressful, and stress can disrupt your body's balance, especially the balance of your skin. Before embarking on a journey, millions of thoughts may run through your mind, from choosing your outfit to packing your luggage. Therefore, your skin is probably the last thing on your mind. Fortunately, taking care of your skin while traveling is not a complicated or time-consuming task. The only important point is proper planning, which you will learn in today's article.

Why is Skin Care Important While Traveling?

When you travel, you are exposed to different weather and environmental conditions, and your lifestyle and routine habits may change. All of these factors can affect your skin. In the following article, we will examine these changes in more detail.

1.Weather changes

Keep in mind that when your skin lacks sufficient moisture, it can become problematic and break out. Whether you travel by plane or go to a region with dry weather, the change in environment affects your skin in any case. In large commercial vehicles such as airplanes and trains, artificial air circulation systems are used, which can reduce skin moisture during prolonged exposure. Additionally, when traveling, you often forget to drink enough water, which can exacerbate skin dehydration.

2.Change in Skin Care Routine

 When you are traveling, you may not be able to follow your skin care routine as usual. Moreover, on long trips, you may not have enough time to properly wash your face. If your skin is not clean, dead skin cells can accumulate on its surface. As a result, your skin becomes dull and can develop acne.

3.Changing skincare products

When you check into a hotel, you may come across hygiene products provided by the hotel just as you're about to take a shower. Although it may be tempting to use these products, keep in mind that they may not address specific skin issues or be designed for your skin type. Therefore, using these products may lead to acne and other skin problems.

4.Changing Sleep Schedule

During travels, your sleep and wake cycle becomes irregular. According to research, getting enough sleep plays an important role in maintaining skin health. A study showed that even two days of sleep deprivation can lead to skin discoloration.

5.Facing Stress

There is a possibility that unexpected events during travel, such as traffic or delayed flights, can cause stress. Stress can trigger an inflammatory response in the body that exacerbates acne, rosacea, and psoriasis.

Some important tips for skincare during travel

Fortunately, there are various solutions to address all the possible skin problems that may occur during travel. You don't need to invest in new skincare products during travel. All you have to do is to bring essential products with you. In this section, we introduce you to the best solutions for maintaining skin health during travel.

1.Carry wet wipes with you

If you don't want to bring facial cleansers or use hotel toiletries, wet wipes are the best option for you. You can use them anywhere, on a plane, bus, or car, while sitting on the beach or in your hotel room.

2.Use a facial mist spray

 This product is essential for everyone. Whether you travel on weekends or go on a long trip, you should not forget to bring a facial mist spray. The facial mist spray is hydrating and keeps your skin fresh during the trip. When you spray it on your face, you add moisture to your skin. This product is especially useful for those who have dry and combination skin or travel to cold regions.

3.Bring your favorite face cleanser with you

Face cleanser is more important than serum and eye cream. Using a suitable face cleanser helps you have a clean skin free of impurities at the end of the day.

4.Don't forget your moisturizer

 Taking care of your skin during a trip is not complete without a good moisturizer. A moisturizer can keep your skin hydrated and prevent acne and other skin problems caused by dryness. Remember to apply moisturizer before boarding the plane. The air inside the plane is dry and can harm your skin.

5.Apply sunscreen

Sunscreen plays a vital role in caring for your skin and its appearance. If you're going to a tropical area, you're probably packing sunscreen and a beach hat. But when you spend long hours on a plane, it may not occur to you to use sunscreen. Using sunscreen on your travels, especially on a plane where you're closer to UV radiation, is essential. A study has shown that pilots and flight attendants are twice as likely to develop melanoma (a potentially deadly form of skin cancer) as the general population.

It doesn't matter what type of sunscreen you use (chemical or mineral, colored or colorless), you should choose a product with at least SPF 30 and, as recommended by doctors, reapply it every few hours.

6.Have a few sheet masks with you

Sheet masks don't take up much space in your luggage and are excellent for your skin. These papers infused with various substances can be a great substitute for special serums and creams that you cannot bring with you on your travels.

7.Bring a good eye cream with you

If your eyes tend to get puffy all the time, add a good eye cream to your travel essentials. As an alternative, you can wrap crushed ice in a cloth (if you don't have an ice pack) and place it on your eyes. This will immediately refresh your eyes.

8.Try to bring your routine products with you

 When using your regular products, your skin does not have to adjust to completely new products in addition to other stressors caused by travel. If you know that your skin care routine is effective, you should even follow it during your travels.

These days, some manufacturers offer their products in travel-friendly sizes. As much as possible, try to use these products. It is better than pouring your oils and serums into plastic containers. Because, to maintain the effectiveness of skincare products, a special method is often recommended. For example, most vitamin C serums should be stored in a cool, dark place and away from extreme heat. This is why serums are often sold in dark-colored bottles.

9.Avoid touching your face

 Keeping your hands away from your face helps reduce acne. When traveling, be sure to follow this rule carefully, as you may inadvertently transfer unknown bacteria to your facial skin. Clean your hands with an antibacterial cleanser or disinfectant solution as much as possible.

10.Don't wear makeup

 Whether you're planning to board a plane or visit tourist destinations, it's recommended that you avoid wearing makeup. Many people prefer to use colorful moisturizers while traveling, but it's best to stick to your day cream and sunscreen so that your skin can breathe. Changes in weather can cause breakouts.

11.Get enough sleep

Lack of sleep during travel can make your skin susceptible to many issues. Therefore, try to get a good night's sleep even when you're on the go.

12.Drink enough water to keep your skin hydrated

The simplest solution for taking care of your skin during travel and preventing it from drying out is to drink water. In a one-month study, increasing water intake by two liters per day was associated with increased skin moisture and improved skin health. If you plan on traveling, start drinking more water a few days beforehand.

Final words:

Never think that a short trip won't harm your skin. You can't predict how a slight change in weather, diet and sleep schedule, or exposure to a new environment will affect your skin. The next time you travel, pay attention to all the essential details outlined in this article. Put all your skincare items in a small bag or pouch that you can easily access in your luggage. If you're short on space, just bring the essentials, including a cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen.