Is the use of male sunscreen necessary for men?

Is the use of male sunscreen necessary for men?

These days, with the prevalence of social networks and increased public awareness, it is unlikely that anyone is unaware of the benefits and essential need for using sunscreen. Using an SPF sunscreen is the simplest and easiest way to protect the skin and maintain its health. By regularly using sunscreen, you can prevent sunburn, skin cancer, premature aging, skin discoloration, and various other problems. But the question is, is the use of sunscreen necessary for men as well? In this article, we intend to familiarize you with men's skin and the importance of male sunscreen, and introduce you to some good male sunscreens. Stay with us.

What is SPF?

Sun Protection Factor (SPF) is a measure of a sunscreen's ability to protect the skin from a specific portion of ultraviolet (UV) radiation called UVB. UVB rays are responsible for causing sunburn and skin cancer.

Ultraviolet radiation consists of two other components:

1.UVC rays, which are unable to penetrate the Earth's atmosphere.

2.UVA rays, which you may be familiar with and, similar to UVB rays, play a significant role in aging, cancer, and skin problems.

the differences between men's skin and women's skin

If you have searched online stores or visited a pharmacy to make a purchase, you may have noticed that there are limited options for men's hygiene and skincare products. Even some products marketed towards men lack precise formulations tailored to men's skin.

Most men tend to avoid using skincare products and do not consider it necessary. Manufacturers also tend to focus more on producing and selling products suitable for women, simply changing the name or removing the flower image from the packaging for products marketed towards men. It's easy to be deceived by these companies and end up purchasing a product that is completely unsuitable for your skin.

The important point here is that men's skin has several key differences compared to women's skin, which we will examine further. These differences indicate that products designed for women are not a suitable choice for you.

1.pH Balance is Different in Men's Skin

 pH balance refers to the acidity or alkalinity of a substance. The measurement scale ranges from 1 to 14. A pH number of 7 is considered neutral, where values lower than 7 indicate acidity and values higher than 7 indicate alkalinity. For example, battery acid has a pH of 1, drain cleaner has a pH of 14, and water has a pH of 7, making them acidic, alkaline, and neutral substances, respectively.

The natural pH range for men's skin is between 5.5 and 6.5. This range indicates that men's skin tends to be slightly more alkaline compared to women's skin, which has a pH range of 4.5 to 5.5.

Products designed for women are formulated to maintain the pH balance within that range. Therefore, it can be said that these products are not suitable for men because they do not align with the natural pH of men's skin.

2.Hair Grows on Men's Skin

Although hair also grows on women's skin, the structure and function of men's skin are different in some ways. The facial hair you have comes with its own advantages and challenges. If you have facial hair, it can act as a natural protector for your skin against sunlight. Men's facial hair is typically thicker and, by providing support to the skin, it helps prevent sagging and aging of the skin. Additionally, areas of the face with hair growth are less likely to develop wrinkles.

Sounds great, doesn't it? So, if you were hesitant about growing out your beard or mustache, you can now make a better decision. However, it's worth mentioning that growing facial hair also comes with its own set of challenges, such as ingrown hairs, razor cuts, etc., which are beyond the scope of this discussion.

3.Men's Skin is Thicker than Women's

 Due to the presence of testosterone hormone, men's skin is thicker than women's. The higher level of this hormone makes men's skin typically 20% to 25% thicker than women's skin. Moreover, men's skin is rich in collagen, which means that signs of aging such as wrinkles and fine lines may be less visible compared to women.

4.Men's Skin is Oilier than Women's

Sebum is a natural oil produced by the human skin to keep it moisturized. The sebum produced by men's skin is twice as much as the sebum produced by women's skin. This means that products designed for women to control skin sebum may not be suitable for men because they may not be strong enough. Additionally, men's skin is more porous and has larger pores, which means that acne and skin blemishes may occur more frequently in men.

5.Men's Skin is Sensitive

Firstly, it should be noted that this matter is still under investigation and research. However, studies have shown that men's skin contains fewer antioxidants compared to women, which makes it more sensitive.

Premature Skin Aging in Men

Photoaging, also known as premature skin aging, refers to the visible skin damage caused by sunlight exposure. The following are some of the damages associated with photoaging:

  • Skin sagging due to loss of collagen and elastin
  • Fine lines on the skin
  • Deep skin wrinkles
  • Hollowing of cheeks and under-eye area
  • Roughening of skin texture
  • Skin spots, freckles, and hyperpigmentation

You may not observe these issues until you reach an older age, but the sunlight directly hitting your skin now will be the root cause of all these problems. Now you understand the importance of using sunscreen. If you desire to have attractive and smooth skin even in your older years, it is crucial to take sunscreen seriously.

It should be noted that prolonged exposure to the sun will inevitably lead to sunburn. Sunburn goes beyond simple redness and skin inflammation. If you experience sunburn more than five times throughout your life, you should be aware that it increases the risk of melanoma (the most dangerous type of skin cancer) by up to twice as much.

Is it necessary for men to use sunscreen?

 The answer is a resounding yes! From the age of one year and onward, you should use a high-quality sunscreen daily, even if you feel like you're not spending much time under the sun. Whether you're driving in a car or working beside a window, you can still be exposed to sunlight.

The good news is that in your regular daily routine, using a sunscreen with SPF 30 will be sufficient. Dermatologists recommend that with proper use of an SPF 30 sunscreen, you will have adequate protection against sunlight.

For proper sunscreen application, you should use about one ounce (approximately 28.5 grams) to cover each sun-exposed area of your body. If you are exposed to intense sunlight, make sure to pay attention to the instructions on the product. Additionally, if you sweat or go in the water, you should reapply the sunscreen.

Sunscreen creams protect the skin against invisible and harmful UVB and UVA rays by having physical and chemical factors. They help prevent issues such as skin cancer, premature aging, fine and deep wrinkles, sagging skin, and more.

It doesn't matter how old you are; giving importance to your skin is not something to be ashamed of! So, if you want to keep your skin youthful, don't underestimate the significance of using sunscreen. There are plenty of products available in the market, and if you intend to purchase an international product, make sure to verify the credibility of the store and the authenticity of the product.