5 Bad Habits That Threaten the Health and Beauty of Your Hair

5 Bad Habits That Threaten the Health and Beauty of Your Hair

We all want to have beautiful and healthy hair, but often we do things that damage our hair. Damaged hair is weak and easily breaks. Split ends make hair look frizzy and unhealthy and can even make it thin or fall out in the long run. You may have heard that excessive use of blow dryers or flat irons can damage hair, but did you know that there are other factors that can have a negative impact on your hair? In today's article, we will examine the reasons for hair damage from various aspects. Join us until the end of this article.

What is the most common cause of hair damage?

Recognizing unhealthy habits and correcting them can help maintain the health and beauty of hair. The most common habits that can damage hair include:

1.Sleeping with wet hair

If you shower or wash your hair at night, we recommend resisting the temptation to sleep with wet hair. Sleeping with wet hair can cause the cuticle (the outermost layer of hair) to separate, which can lead to hair splitting and breakage.

In addition, during the night, contact between hair and a pillowcase and friction between them can cause hair tangling and create dandruff. This can happen to everyone, but people with thin hair are more prone to it than others.

The best thing you can do is to dry your hair with a hairdryer so that its moisture is minimized. Then, loosely braid your hair so that it won't be pulled or tugged on while you sleep. Remember that tightly braiding your hair can damage it and lead to hair loss.

2.Toweling wet hair

Toweling wet hair immediately after a shower is a bad habit that you should avoid as it can cause damage to your hair. When hair is wet, it is in its weakest state. Therefore, brushing or aggressive behavior with wet hair can lead to hair breakage, split ends, and damage. It is recommended to first use a microfiber towel to remove excess water from your hair, and after your hair has dried, gently comb through it using a wide-toothed comb. Microfiber towels are softer compared to other towels.

3.Not cleaning hair-related tools

 We always hear about the importance of cleaning makeup brushes, but is it equally important to clean hair-related tools? Experts warn that all dead skin cells, oils, and remnants of hygiene and cosmetic products accumulate on the brush during use, and if not cleaned, all of these substances will return to your hair. It is not necessary to clean these tools every day, even once a week is enough. You can use warm water and a mild shampoo to clean them.

Hair straighteners also need to be regularly cleaned. The residues that accumulate on them can be a source of oil and bacteria and transfer all of them to your hair. In addition, over time, the metal used in hair straighteners may wear off. Try to clean the surface of the hair straightener once a month using a damp alcohol wipe (when the device is turned off and cooled, of course).


4.Not Protecting Hair from Sun Damage

Often the cause of hair damage is exposure to sunlight. Believe it or not, protecting your hair from the sun is as important as protecting your face and body. Sun exposure can affect the color of your hair and damage hair cells, accelerating the process of hair thinning.

Fortunately, there is a simple solution to this problem. Whenever you're under sunlight, wear a hat or use hair care products that contain sun protection factor (SPF) to protect your hair.


5.Tight Hair Tying Tying

hair in a ponytail is a popular style, but if you do it every day or tie your hair too tightly, it's better to reconsider this habit. Pulling your hair too much backward creates a lot of tension on the scalp, which can lead to hair loss around the hairline and temples. Fortunately, you don't have to completely give up tying your hair in a ponytail. Just make sure to tie them more gently.

Final Word

Having bad habits can be a reason for hair damage. If correcting these habits doesn't help improve the appearance and health of your hair, consult a skin and hair specialist. Because the way you take care of your hair may not be the main cause of your problem. When you're concerned about hair thinning or hair loss, it's essential to see a doctor. In most cases, the reasons for these problems can be addressed. The sooner you take action for treatment, the better the result.