8 Effects of Stress on Skin and Ways to Cope with It

8 Effects of Stress on Skin and Ways to Cope with It

The skin is one of the most important organs of the human body and can be vulnerable to numerous external and internal factors. Stress is one of the most significant factors that can affect your skin. When you experience stress due to economic or emotional issues, your skin is one of the first parts of the body to react to this stress, and the impact of stress on the skin is one of the important factors that cannot be overlooked.

Psychological, physical, and hormonal stress can affect the skin in various ways, from causing acne to various types of eczema, hair loss, or the appearance of new wrinkles. In this article, we have described 8 effects of stress on the skin and briefly explained the ways to cope with these effects. Stay with us.

1.Sun exposure stress exhausts the skin

Being exposed to the sun has its own benefits and drawbacks, one of which is the stress it puts on the skin. Direct exposure to the sun puts the skin under stress and weakens its defense mechanisms. Various external factors can cause stress, such as personal and economic problems, traffic and crowds, unhealthy diet, insomnia, and more. The stress caused by these factors indirectly affects the skin, and we will discuss each of these effects in detail, but it is important to note that direct exposure to the sun stresses the skin and puts the defense mechanisms of skin cells under pressure.

Sun rays, whether natural or artificial (in tanning devices), cause blood cells to rush to the areas exposed to sunlight in order to repair skin cells. However, excessive exposure to UV radiation can lead to darkening of spots, freckles, and even skin cancer. The best way to combat UV radiation and sun-induced stress is to use sunscreen every morning.

In addition to using sunscreen, improving your body's defense mechanism through proper nutrition can also help fight sun-induced stress. Limonene, a chemical derived from citrus fruit peel, has been studied for use in cancer prevention drugs. Eating citrus fruit peel can also be a reliable source of sun-protective antioxidants.

Fruits rich in antioxidants and vitamin C (such as strawberries and pomegranates) have the ability to protect your cells from damage caused by exposure to sunlight. However, it is important to remember that eating these foods is not a substitute for using sunscreen. In addition to consuming foods that are rich in limonene, vitamin C, and other antioxidants, you should still use sunscreen.

2.Excessive inflammation and irritation; The direct effect of stress on the skin

Conditions such as acne, psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, and rosacea are often the result of inflammation, but studies also show that when the brain is overworked, it can actually weaken your skin's protective abilities. In other words, stress prevents the proper regulation and balance of skin cells. It's no surprise that after a week of sleepless nights or a severe argument, you might experience a heart attack because stress disrupts not only the skin but all the mechanisms in your body.

Before treating skin problems that have arisen due to inflammation, attention should be paid to the cause of this inflammation; whether your skin has been irritated due to stress or if you have developed an allergy or if you have developed skin inflammation due to the use of a particular medication, food, or product. If this inflammation has been caused by stress, the cause must be eliminated. Finding the exact cause of stress or relieving stress may be very difficult or impossible, but nevertheless, there are ways to control stress.

You can follow these methods to reduce stress:

  • Try methods that reduce stress in the long term, such as yoga and meditation.
  • Avoid processed foods and artificial sweeteners.
  • Use fruit instead of artificial sweeteners, olive oil instead of margarine, and fish instead of red meat.
  • Drink relaxing beverages to relieve stress; herbal teas such as chamomile tea can be helpful.

3.Increased sweating and acne under the influence of stress on the skin

It's likely that you've experienced the appearance of one or more new pimples or acne on your face or body under the influence of stress. Stress has a significant impact on the occurrence of acne, especially in women. Stress can disrupt the nerve signals in the skin and cause hormonal imbalances, which increases sebum production in the skin.

As we mentioned earlier, eliminating stress from life may be impossible, but there are ways to reduce stress that we discussed in the previous section. Acne sometimes responds to local treatments, such as salicylic acid. Salicylic acid is a beta-hydroxy acid that can penetrate the skin and combat pimples and acne by cleaning and purifying the skin's pores and preventing their occurrence. If you experience severe stress at times, you can use skincare products containing acne-preventing ingredients, such as salicylic acid, to prevent acne outbreaks.

4.Oily scalp, hair loss, and brittle nails due to stress

As mentioned before, stress can cause a disruption in hormone activity and weaken the mechanism of skin cells, leading to various problems. Oily scalp, hair loss, and brittle nails are among the effects of stress on the body. However, if you experience these problems, it may not necessarily be due to stress. For example, flaking of the scalp may be due to eczema, and your nails may be brittle due to improper nutrition. The reason for these problems in your body should be determined by a doctor through appropriate medical tests.

If your scalp is excessively oily or you experience dandruff or hair loss, avoid hot water baths and exercise regularly, change your diet, and consume fruits and vegetables to promote overall health.

5.Under the influence of stress, the skin becomes more sensitive and thinner

Stress increases the level of cortisol in the body, and an abnormal increase in cortisol levels can cause the skin to become thinner. Cortisol can break down skin proteins, and this can ultimately cause your skin to become thinner and easily bruised.

Abnormal cortisol increase, called Cushing's syndrome or hypercortisolism, has symptoms such as glucose intolerance, muscle weakness, and weakened immune system. If you notice that your skin has become thinner or bruises easily due to impact, it is possible that your cortisol levels have increased. In these cases, it is best to consult an internist and use medication to lower cortisol levels in your body.

6.Stress can cause your wounds to heal more slowly

When facing stress, your epidermis and outer layer of skin can become weakened, increasing the risk of infections and environmental pathogens. This can also reduce your skin's natural ability to heal and recover from wounds and acne.

To heal your skin barrier, you can use products containing glycerin and hyaluronic acid. Consuming foods rich in antioxidants and strengthening the body's defense mechanisms can also be very effective. Maintaining skin moisture and increasing water and fluid intake, as well as using zinc supplements, can also help you improve your skin's healing mechanism.

7.Tired, puffy eyes and dark circles; the impact of stress on skin

You might have experienced having dark circles or puffiness under your eyes after a few sleepless nights; stress can cause dark circles or puffiness under the eyes and eye fatigue. During stress, our body keeps adrenaline high even during sleep, which can cause insomnia.

Yoga and meditation can be very effective in solving sleep problems. Drinking herbal teas like chamomile can also be helpful. At least one hour before sleep, put away your phone and laptop. If you experience serious sleep disturbances, using CBD oil and melatonin can help you.

8.Fine lines and wrinkles; the impact of stress on the skin

Some individuals who face severe mental problems and stress may appear older in a short period, which means that stress weakens the skin's defense and repair mechanisms, causing fine lines and wrinkles.

If you are not interested in preventing fine lines and wrinkles using methods such as Botox, face yoga can be an excellent alternative for you, provided that you do it continuously and persistently. By aiming to place the facial muscles, which we unconsciously use every day, through massage techniques in tense areas such as the forehead, eyebrows, and jawline, facial yoga exercises can combat growing fine lines and wrinkles and make the skin more flexible.

And finally,

 The effects of stress on individuals may not be the same. Stress in you may cause acne and pimples, while the impact of stress on your friend's skin might be eczema or wrinkles. Additionally, the level of stress you experience may differ from others; you may experience a higher level of stress due to economic problems, etc. Seeking therapy or a psychiatrist to deal with your stress and anxiety is one of the most important things you can do to improve your mental and consequently, physical health. Nonetheless, instead of constantly worrying about why you have more stress than others, it is better to control your response to stress.

Improving your diet and taking supplements, exercising, methods such as yoga and meditation, are all ways that can reduce the impact of stress on your body and skin, helping you to have healthier body and skin despite the mental and psychological problems and concerns you deal with daily.